Employment is an integral part of the lives of many individuals in Colorado and across the country. Although there may be an overwhelming variety of fields available, a person might have a specific area in mind in which to pursue a position. Unfortunately, some...
Wrongful Termination
Was my firing a wrongful termination?
Whether one is employed in Colorado or elsewhere, losing a job can deal a significant blow both emotionally and financially. When it happens, it is normal to question if the firing can be considered a wrongful termination. The truth is, there are plenty of firings...
When is a termination a wrongful termination?
Firing employees is one of the downsides of being an employer; however, when a situation calls for it, it has to be done. For an employee, being fired can come as a devastating blow, especially if the reason behind it just does not seem above board. Those in Colorado...
When wrongful termination results from filing for worker’s comp
A man in another state has filed legal actions against his former employer, claiming that he was released from his position after filing a workers' compensation claim. Whether one resides in Colorado or elsewhere, it is illegal for an employer to fire someone simply...
Former banker for Wells Fargo claims to be victim of retaliation
Individuals employed at companies in Colorado or elsewhere lose their jobs everyday. Generally there are valid reasons for it, such as poor employee performance or company downsizing. There are those who may feel that their terminations were unwarranted, however. Such...
Wrongful termination and harassment claims filed against hospital
A hospital in another state is being sued by a former staff member. The plaintiff claims she is the victim of wrongful termination and sexual harassment. Sadly, her experience is not an uncommon thing. Colorado residents who believe they have experienced situations...
Telecommunications company accused of wrongful termination
A man in another state has filed legal claims against his former employer after being let go from the company. A quick search in Google will show that wrongful termination is something that affects numerous people, in Colorado and elsewhere. Those who believe that...
Wrongful termination: Colorado workers may wish to seek justice
Many individuals often dread going back to work, but for others, going back to work is a fight. Workers who have been the victims of wrongful termination often have to make considerable efforts in hopes of regaining their jobs. Colorado residents may be interested in...
Whole Foods at center of recent wrongful termination lawsuit
Losing a job is never an easy experience to go through. In the aftermath of such an event, individuals may struggle finding new employment and contending with financial hardships due to lack of income. If the job loss resulted from wrongful termination, rather than...
Ignoring workplace retaliation may harm Colorado workers
Many individuals may have experienced situations in which they have been treated differently after carrying out certain actions. While these types of incidents are unfortunate, many individuals may choose to move on and ignore the change in treatment. However, some...