When individuals enter into jobs under contracts, those contracts likely help them understand what is expected from all parties. However, many such agreements have time frames during which they are applicable, and, if a new employment contract is not created, a...
Month: April 2016
Wage and hour claim: Wage theft could affect Colorado workers
Working hard in order to gain a steady income is a goal that many Colorado residents have in order to provide for themselves, and it can also make them feel a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, it can be disheartening when an employee discovers that he or she is not...
Race discrimination could have damaging effects in Colorado
Being discriminated against can have serious effects on a person's life. He or she may miss out on opportunities or otherwise be unfairly treated simply because of the color of their skin, gender or other factor protected by law. Race discrimination continues to be a...
Wrongful termination could lead to legal claims in Colorado
It is no secret that being let go from a job can be a difficult and stressful event. The situation may become even more disheartening if an individual believes that he or she was fired without any just cause. In such cases, individuals who believe they were unfairly...
Minimum wage law violations could impact Colorado workers
Many individuals take pride in working hard for their income. As a result, it can be exceedingly disheartening when an employer fails to properly compensate workers. If individuals have faced wage theft or similar violations, they may wish to consider filing a wage...