Non-compete clauses in employment contracts are becoming a hot topic in employment law. You are not alone if you feel like you need to sign one before an employer offers you a job. What exactly does a non-compete mean? Learn a few basics about how these employment...
Employment Contracts
Does getting fired nullify a non-compete clause?
The United States bases the strength of its economy on competition and a free market. At the same, businesses have the right to protect confidential and proprietary information. Non-compete clauses seek to strike a balance by preventing exiting employees from taking...
What are different ways an employer may terminate you?
An employment contract spells out the conditions of your employment. It should also describe how your time as an employee can end. If your contract includes termination clauses, it can be worth it to examine them carefully. You should know how your workplace superiors...
How Should A Non-compete Define Competitors?
If your workplace wants you to sign a non-compete agreement, you need to know how the non-compete will restrict you in the event your employer fires you or you leave of your own accord. One way a non-compete limits your work prospects is by describing the competitors...
What is a legal injunction?
In your employment court case, the judge may at some point issue an injunction. This may or may not benefit you. It is essential to understand what an injunction is and how it relates to your situation in the lawsuit. Definition Cornell Law School defines an...
How can you handle contract disputes?
Dealing with a contract dispute is not the end of the world, though it can certainly add unnecessary stress to your table. How you handle the contract dispute can also dictate how easily things may go in the future, so it is important to pick a good method in the...
Public sector unions across Colorado fight for protection
Public employees who are union members in Colorado deserve protection, but currently, labor rights are the subject of furious debate. Some state legislators have been promoting new legislation that would make it harder for public employee union members to obtain...
Important provisions in your employment contract
A Colorado resident can spend as much of their life, if not more, at work as they do with their family. Because a job can take up the finite hours that individuals have each day, they usually want to make sure that their working conditions are as positive and...
Can a non-compete agreement be enforced in Colorado?
Many employers rightfully fear adverse consequences when a valuable leaves employment. Among the fears are the disclosure of customer identity, purchasing habits, the sale of trade secrets and damaging competition from the former employee. Employers attempt to protect...
Can my employer force me into a non-compete agreement?
Many people in Colorado will one day choose to leave their employer to move on to a different job that better utilizes their skills and talents. Since employers have a legitimate interest in ensuring that the skills and knowledge the worker gained in their employment...