A construction company in another state has had some pretty bad press recently after two former employees filed discrimination lawsuits. According to reports, this case has recently come to a close, as the business has decided to settle the case rather than fight...
Year: 2017
What is the state’s current minimum wage law?
Numerous people across the country work for employers who start their salaries at minimum wage. Every state has different laws when it comes to how much minimum wage is. What does Colorado's current minimum wage law say? According to the state's Department of Labor...
Do all wrongful termination cases go to court?
Losing a job can be a difficult thing to get through, as it leaves one concerned about the future. Things can be made even worse if an individual believes that the circumstances surrounding his or her firing were questionable. If a person has reason to suspect that he...
Gender at the heart of an employment discrimination case
In another state, a woman recently filed a lawsuit against her former bosses. She is claiming employment discrimination based on her gender. She also says she is the victim of retaliation. Sadly, her story is one that some in Colorado may find similar to their own...
Is there any way to avoid partner-related employment disputes?
Colorado business owners who are considering taking on partners have a lot of things to consider before taking such a big step. After all, partner-related employment disputes are known to arise. Do the benefits of taking on a partner outweigh the potential cons of...
Severance agreements of public officials are public knowledge
Those in Colorado and elsewhere who hold public positions find that little about their jobs is private. This includes their severance agreements when they leave their jobs. This, of course, opens them up to great public scrutiny. At the end of the day, however, what...
UPS settles disability discrimination lawsuit
Most places of employment in Colorado offer employees a limited amount of absence from work to heal from workplace injuries, sickness or other personal reasons. If someone wishes to return to work but has limited physical abilities, the American with Disabilities Act...
Cop believes disability may reason for his wrongful termination
Colorado employees who work 18 years for an employer might believe they have job security. Employees might also believe that returning to work after a serious injury acquired on the job would indicate dedication of the employee to an employer. One former police...
Overcoming the challenges of age discrimination
Employment is an integral part of the lives of many individuals in Colorado and across the country. Although there may be an overwhelming variety of fields available, a person might have a specific area in mind in which to pursue a position. Unfortunately, some...
Pay inequality is a form of employment discrimination
Working is necessary to live. However, sometimes it is hard to go to work day in and day out when one feels his or her efforts are underappreciated or that his or her time is less valuable than someone else's. Unfortunately, pay inequality is a real concern in...