Workplace discrimination has many forms

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2018 | Workplace Discrimination

Inside the walls of many American businesses, both small and large, discrimination is a significant concern for many employees and job applicants. These unlawful actions can occur in many different ways but often go unnoticed or ignored. In Colorado and elsewhere, workplace discrimination comes in many different variations, though those affected have the right to report inappropriate actions and seek legal recourse when the discriminatory conduct is not properly addressed by an employer.

Employees and job applicants cannot be discriminated against based on their age, gender, race, ethnicity, skin color, national origin, disabilities, genetic information, relationship to another person or pregnancy. These types of discrimination can also occur in multiple situations. Some examples are preferred applicants in a job advertisement, excluding job applicants during recruitment or denying compensation to a protected class.

Whatever the case may be, it is illegal for any employer to discriminate in these circumstances. Unfortunately, many employees or job applicants are afraid to pursue these claims in fear of losing their job or the potential to be hired by the company. According to the law, it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against someone who has filed a discrimination complaint or someone who has participated in an investigation of another claim.

Workplace discrimination is a pernicious problem. Employers who disregard complaints may also be held directly responsible for an employee’s acts of discrimination. Those in Colorado who are victims of these unnecessary situations can secure the help of legal counsel to advise them of their rights and how to proceed, as well as represent their legal interests with respect to a particular complaint. 

Source:, “Types of Workplace Discrimination With Examples“, Alison Doyle, Accessed on Jan. 5, 2018