Whenever an employee feels they have been discriminated against, or they are part of a group that has been discriminated against as a whole, they may benefit from taking legal action — either an individual or as a group. Even if the initial legal action ends in a way they do not agree with, employees may elect to pursue an appeal as a means of continuing to pursue enforcement of their legal rights. This was the case of a group of corrections officers who pursued a race discrimination case and, thereafter, an appeal. Readers in Colorado may want to follow the case.
The correction workers said they were taunted and discriminated against because of their race. They alleged that a group of other corrections workers made taunts, such as calling the African-American workers a “gang,” and also made remarks about the men being pleased that watermelon was on the menu at the facility. They also claimed that they feared the other workers may not help them if there was an incident at the corrections facility that required help from coworkers.
An initial ruling essentially said the taunts were just teasing, essentially isolated incidents that did not constitute race discrimination. The group then sought an appeal of the decision. The appeal led to a settlement, which amounted to $777,000.
Race discrimination suits in Colorado or elsewhere can be difficult to pursue. Having eyewitness accounts, documentation and/or the support of other employees who have endured the same treatment may make the pathway toward a successful suit smoother. Anyone who believes they or a protected group they are part of has been the victim or victims of race discrimination may benefit from exploring their legal options.
Source: correctionsone.com, “Neb. CO’s bias lawsuit settled for $777,000“, , July 1, 2014